Welcome to my Sasha & Friends blog

On these pages you will meet my Sasha's, Gregor's, Sarah/Hannah, Annie/Taylor and American Girl dolls.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Today a small package arrived for Arya and Mitzi.

"I wonder what it could be" Arya said to Mitzi.
"Lets open it and find out" replied Mitzi.

"Oh my", gasped Arya " It's a cushion with my name on it and look Mitzi there's one here for you too, I wonder who they're from?"

"Mum, mum come and see what we have received in the post mine is Pink, that's my most favourite colour" cried Mitzi.

Mum came in to see Arya and Mitzi sitting on the sofa hugging their cushions.
"Do you like them girls?" mum asked
"We love them" both girls cried together "But who sent them to us?" asked Arya " there wasn't a note"
"I asked your auntie Sue to make them for you as you have both been very good" 

"There just perfect" Mitzi said "come on Arya lets go and show them to the others"
"Yes" replied Arya "and then we can send a thank you note to auntie Sue"

Cushion enquires can be made at 


  1. They look like two very lucky girls with their personalised little cushions which will provide additional comfort when they're sitting on their settee.

  2. They are very nice cushions and add a comfy touch to the sofa. I have the same sofa!! I never thought to use it for the Sasha....actually I'm not sure mine is as big as yours, so might look a bit small for them!!

  3. What sweet little cushions and very special with their names on them. So cute.
